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Anna Trentin is a violinist, violin teacher and member of La fenice Symphony Orchestra strings section. She graduated from the B. Marcello Conservatory in Venice with honors and then continued her studies under the guidance of G. Prencipe, P. Vernikov and Zinaida Gilels. For chamber repertoire, she has follone master classes with P. Farulli, Trio di Trieste, G. Gulli and C. Siskovic.

She began her concert career at a very young age, both as a soloist and as a member of various chamber music groups, performing in venues such as the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the Teatro Duse in Asolo, the Kirov Theatre of Leningrad, the Grieg Hall in Bergen, the Royal Castle in Stockholm, the Teatro Goldoni in Venice, the Municipal Theatre of Savona, etc. She has been a member of numerous chamber music groups frequently appearing as a soloist, including: the Chamber Orchestra of Venetia, Haydn Philharmonia, Togetherness Cameristico Lister, Small Simphonia Venice (directed by Sirio Piovesan), Ensemble Carlo Felice in Genoa, Virtuosi di Venezia, etc .She has collaborated as a member of the strings section and concertmaster with orchestras such as the Orchestra of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the Orchestra of the Teatro Comunale of Treviso, the Orchestra Sinfonica dell' Emilia Romagna A.Toscanini, the Orchestra of The Arena Verona, the Italian Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Italian Swiss Radio Lugano, the Regional Orchestra of Friuli Venezia Giulia,etc. She has made numerous tours in Italy and abroad (Japan, Norway, Finland, the former Soviet Union, Britain, Spain, Austria, Germany, etc.) She has made recordings for the RAI, German television, for Radio-Franc e, and has made records with labels such as Nuova Era, Harmonia Mundi, Nowo, Tactus , and Agora. She has been part of the strings section and concertmaster of the Italian Youth Orchestra. In 1991 she traveled to St. Petersburg to participate in the Tele-Marathon broadcast worldwide (as a soloist). She has recorded the complete version of Six Sonatas for Strings by G.Rossini (Nuova Era) with the ensemble I Solisti dell'Haydn Philharmonia . She has also recorded the integral version of the op.5 by T.Albinoni for violin and strings for the label Tactus for which she won the Carish prize. She is the concert-master and soloist of the Womens Chamber Orchestra Le Vivaldiane and violinist of the Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli – VeneziaGiulia. In August 2001 she recorded for the Foundation Schoendlinger in Bonn, Germany the quartets composed by Schoendlinger. In 1994-95 she studied in Boston with the famous Russian violin teacher Zinaida Gilels. She is a member of the Human Rights Orchestra.


Foto: Walter Garosi ©2017

Anna Trentin

Artistic Director